Vladimir Barkhash

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Title: Professor
Affiliation: Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry Russian Academy of Sciences Siberian Division. Acad. Lavrentjev Ave 9, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia
Born: September 27, 1933, Moscow, USSR
Education: M. Sc. Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology, 1956


Ph.D.: Moscow Institute of Chemical Technology, 1959
D.Sc.: Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry, 1977
Post-doctoral position: Head of laboratory of Cationoid Reactions
Fields of interest: Physical organic chemistry, chemistry of terpenes, stereochemistry, cationoid molecular rearrangements, chemistry of "long-live" carbocations
Awards: Lenin Prize for scientific works, 1990

V.A. Barkhash is well-known as a specialist for organizing of mountainous, water and skiing tourist expeditions. He was on the peaks of many volcanoes, he swam through many rapids of mountain rivers. He has a hobby - the investigating of carbocation rearrangements. V.A. Barkhash kindly consents to tell us to-day about some of his observations in this field.

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